HCR Air Doors Beat the Summer Heat

As the summer heat intensifies, businesses face the perennial challenge of maintaining a comfortable and efficient indoor environment. Whether you’re running a grocery store, a food processing facility, or a warehouse, excessive heat can significantly impact product quality, employee comfort, and energy costs. Jamison Door Company understands these challenges and offers an effective solution: HCR Air Doors.

The Problem with Summer Heat

High temperatures during summer can be detrimental in many ways:

  • Product Spoilage: For businesses dealing with perishable goods, maintaining a consistent and cool temperature is crucial to prevent spoilage.
  • Employee Comfort: Excessive heat can lead to a decrease in productivity and an increase in heat-related illnesses among employees.
  • Energy Costs: Keeping a facility cool during the summer can lead to skyrocketing energy bills as HVAC systems work overtime.

The Solution: HCR Air Doors

Jamison Door Company’s HCR Air Doors are designed to address these concerns effectively, providing numerous benefits that make them a must-have for businesses during the hot summer months.

1. Temperature Control

HCR Air Doors create an effective barrier between indoor and outdoor environments, preventing hot air from entering your facility and cool air from escaping. This temperature control is essential for maintaining the quality of perishable goods and ensuring a comfortable working environment for employees.

2. Energy Efficiency

By minimizing the exchange of hot and cool air, HCR Air Doors help reduce the load on your HVAC system. This leads to significant energy savings, as your cooling systems do not have to work as hard to maintain a stable indoor temperature. Lower energy consumption not only reduces costs but also contributes to a more sustainable operation.

3. Improved Air Quality

HCR helps to maintain clean and controlled environments by preventing dust, insects, and other contaminants from entering your facility. This is particularly important for food processing and pharmaceutical industries, where hygiene and air quality are paramount.

4. Enhanced Comfort

Creating a consistent and comfortable indoor climate improves employee morale and productivity. HCR Air Doors help maintain optimal working conditions, even when the outdoor temperatures soar, ensuring that your workforce remains comfortable and efficient.

5. Durability and Reliability

Jamison Door Company’s air doors are built to last. With high-quality materials and robust construction, these doors can withstand the demands of high-traffic areas and harsh environments, providing reliable performance season after season.

6. Customization Options

Understanding that different businesses have unique needs, Jamison Door Company offers customizable options for their HCR Air Doors. Whether you need specific sizes, features, or performance characteristics, we can tailor our solutions to meet your precise requirements, ensuring that you get the most effective door system for your application.

7. Quick and Easy Installation

Installing air curtains is a straightforward process that minimizes downtime. Our expert installation team ensures that your new doors are operational as quickly as possible, allowing you to start reaping the benefits without delay.

Why Choose Jamison Door Company?

With over 100 years of experience, Jamison Door Company has been at the forefront of innovation in the door industry. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that you receive products that meet the highest standards of performance and durability.

This summer, don’t let the heat compromise your operations. Invest in Jamison Door Company’s HCR Air Doors and experience the benefits of superior temperature control, energy efficiency, and enhanced air quality. Contact us today to learn more about how our solutions can help you beat the summer heat and keep your business running smoothly.

For more information, visit our website or reach out to our sales team. Let’s make this summer a breeze with Jamison Door Company’s HCR Air Doors!

Pioneering Food Processing Solutions

Maintaining the integrity of perishable goods, ensuring safety, and optimizing operational efficiency are paramount concerns in food processing. Jamison Door Company has been at the forefront of addressing these challenges with innovative solutions tailored for the food processing sector. Our extensive range of products, from high-speed doors to cold storage doors, is designed to meet the unique needs of food handling and processing facilities.

Advanced Cold Storage Solutions

Jamison Door Company’s cold storage doors are engineered to provide superior insulation and durability. This is crucial for maintaining the required temperatures in refrigerated and freezer environments. These doors help in minimizing energy consumption by preventing air leakage. As a result, contributing significantly to operational cost savings.

Our doors are made with high-quality materials. They can withstand tough conditions in food processing plants. This involves opening and closing frequently. They also encounter cleaning agents and moisture daily.

High-Speed Doors for Optimal Productivity

In fast-paced food processing environments, efficiency is key to meeting production deadlines and ensuring product freshness. Our Jamison high-speed doors facilitate smooth traffic flow of personnel and materials by opening and closing rapidly. They especially save time and energy by controlling temperature in important areas during transit. The quick operation of these doors significantly reduces the opportunity for air exchange, which is essential in preventing cross-contamination and maintaining hygienic conditions.

Tailored Solutions for Hygiene and Safety

Jamison Door Company makes doors for food processing that are resistant to corrosion, moisture, and harmful microbes. They stress the importance of hygiene in this industry. These doors maintain a clean and safe environment for food production. We prioritize the health and safety of our customers by providing high-quality, durable doors.

These doors are easy to clean and disinfect, supporting the industry’s stringent sanitation protocols. With safety being a paramount concern, our products come equipped with features like automated operation and safety sensors to prevent accidents and injuries among workers.

Additionally, HCR air doors are an excellent solution for enhancing hygiene and cleanliness within food processing environments, as they minimize the need for physical contact and support compliance with strict sanitation standards.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

In an era where sustainability is increasingly important, Jamison Door Company’s solutions contribute to energy conservation efforts. These doors help reduce the need for excessive cooling or heating by keeping environments controlled. This, in turn, lowers the carbon footprint of food processing facilities. Their durable design also means a longer life span and reduced need for replacements, contributing to waste reduction.

Jamison’s sliding cold storage doors are ideal for spaces where conservation of room and efficient use of space are priorities. These doors provide excellent sealing capabilities to prevent air infiltration and energy loss, making them highly energy-efficient. The sliding mechanism is designed for ease of use, ensuring smooth and reliable operation even in the most demanding environments, where frequent access is required.

HCR air doors stand out for their energy efficiency. They significantly reduce the loss of cooled or heated air and thereby lowering operational costs. Air doors, also known as air curtains, allow for seamless traffic flow of personnel and goods. This eliminates the delay caused by traditional physical doors and contributes to a more efficient operational process.

Maintaining Critical Environmental Conditions

HCR Air Doors offer an innovative and efficient way to maintain critical environmental conditions within food processing facilities. These air doors create a powerful and invisible barrier that separates different areas, preventing cross-contamination while maintaining temperature and humidity control. This technology ensures that the integrity of food products is preserved by minimizing the exposure to fluctuating conditions. Which is essential for food safety and quality.

For environments requiring rapid and easy access, Jamison’s swinging cold storage doors offer an effective solution. They withstand the heavy operational demands of food processing facilities, featuring durable materials that resist wear and tear. The swinging design allows for easy movement of people and items while keeping energy in and controlling temperature.

Customization and Support

Recognizing that each food processing facility has its unique challenges, Jamison prides itself on offering customized door solutions. Our team works closely with clients to assess specific needs, ensuring that the door systems integrate seamlessly with existing processes and infrastructure. Beyond providing high-quality products, Jamison Door Company offers exceptional customer support, from installation to maintenance and repair services, ensuring that their door systems continue to operate efficiently and effectively over time.

Jamison Door Company’s dedication to innovation and quality has made it a trusted partner in the food processing industry. Our door solutions are not just about maintaining temperatures or speeding up operations. They are about creating safer, more efficient, and sustainable food processing environments. As the industry continues to evolve, Jamison Door Company’s commitment to meeting its changing needs with advanced, reliable, and customized solutions is unwavering, setting a standard for excellence in food processing solutions.

Revolutionizing Retail with Jamison HCR Air Doors

Every detail matters in the fast-paced world of retail. From creating a comfortable shopping environment to ensuring energy efficiency, businesses seek solutions that align with their commitment to excellence. Jamison Door Company steps into the spotlight with our groundbreaking HCR Air Doors. Setting a new standard for the retail industry.

Enhancing Customer Comfort

Using the principles of psychrometrics, HCR Air Doors, create a seamless barrier, effectively preventing the influx of external air. This ensures a comfortable shopping atmosphere for customers. Next to that, it also helps maintain a consistent temperature throughout the retail space.

Our air doors, also known as air curtains, can be seen in the largest, most demanding and cost conscious grocery and food distribution centers, food processing plants, refrigerated warehouses, and retail grocery stores.

Energy Efficiency Unleashed

Energy costs can significantly impact a retail operation’s bottom line. Our HCR Air Doors are designed with advanced features to minimize heat loss, providing substantial energy savings. The result? A more sustainable and cost-effective solution for retail spaces, especially in temperature-controlled environments.

HCR has demonstrated its effectiveness in direct comparisons with competitors. In cooler settings, HCR’s advanced technology usually outperforms others in reducing two-way air exchange more efficiently.

When comparing freezer solutions, HCR consistently uses at least half the energy of competitors. It also achieves a significantly greater reduction in two-way air exchange. HCR utilizes a unique combination of engineering disciplines to achieve results that competitors do not have.

Unrivaled Durability

In high-traffic retail settings, durability is paramount. Jamison builds HCR Air Doors to withstand the demands of a bustling retail environment. Ensuring long-lasting performance and minimal maintenance requirements.

Recognizing that one size does not fit all, Jamison offers a range of customizable options for HCR Air Doors. From size variations to design choices, retailers can tailor these doors to seamlessly integrate with their brand aesthetic and specific operational needs.

Smart Design for Increased Security

Security is a top priority for retailers. Air Doors contribute to the overall security of the store. They act as a deterrent to external elements. Additionally, they provide an additional layer of protection against unauthorized access.

Safety concerns are also minimized through improved visibility of open doorways, the elimination of frost and ice on the floor, and the absence of moving door parts. HCR transforms the concept of an unobstructed, wide-open doorway into a tangible reality, facilitating your workers to navigate freely and efficiently.

Seamless Integration with Technology

Innovation is at the core of all Jamison’s offerings. From our cold storage cooler doors to high performance freezer doors. HCR Air Doors seamlessly integrate with modern technologies, allowing for easy control and monitoring. This smart design ensures that retailers can manage their environmental control systems with efficiency and precision.

HCR technology is widely used in temperature-controlled environments. Famous for saving energy and fixing moisture problems in large ASRS grocery centers. It also helps with walk-in freezers in Grocery Retail and Food Service.

Various conveyor systems have also seen positive results with HCR technology. Anywhere moisture infiltration challenges the refrigeration system, HCR technology can be applied for effective solutions.

Quality Manufacturing and Engineering

HCR guarantees quality across their manufacturing processes, from the metal cutting laser machine to the powder coating system. As an approved UL control panel manufacturer, HCR is relied upon by customers to apply the right engineering for their needs and create suitable air door units. HCR’s engineering team uses CFD modeling to thoroughly assess the design, ensuring it achieves the desired results. This blend of engineering expertise, manufacturing proficiency, and on-site experience is what customers expect and receive from HCR.

Compliance and Certification

Meeting industry standards and regulations is critical. Jamison takes pride in ensuring that its HCR Air Doors comply with relevant safety and quality certifications. Providing retailers with peace of mind regarding the reliability and safety of their chosen solution.

The effectiveness of HCR’s recirculatory air door technology was further validated in recent years through rigorous testing at the Creative Thermal Solutions (CTS) laboratories in Urbana, Illinois. The outcomes affirmed that the HCR Model AC (single Air Door) attains an impressive 80% energy efficiency in halting air infiltration and energy transfer between spaces with disparate temperatures.

CTS Test Labs

CTS Labs is an independent facility that tests performance for industries with specific heating and cooling needs. The lab’s focus centers on evaluating products that contribute to environmental sustainability, enhance energy efficiency, and reduce overall energy consumption. Distinguished as one of the limited testing facilities in North America, CTS Labs provides credible confirmation of advertised performance specifications.

No other recirculatory air door manufacturer has ever done something of this nature. As a result, HCR wrote and presented a white paper detailing these discoveries at the national conferences for both RETA and IIAR. By doing this, HCR gained widespread acceptance and respect among refrigeration engineers across North America.

Jamison: Your Retail Solution

Jamison Door Company’s high quality HCR Air Doors are more than just entryways. They are a strategic investment for retailers looking to create a superior shopping experience, enhance energy efficiency, and stay ahead in an ever-evolving industry. With a focus on innovation, comfort, and durability, Jamison continues to be a trusted partner for retailers worldwide. Setting the stage for the future of retail environments.

Discover new opportunities, embrace innovation, and enter a new era of excellent retail with Jamison HCR Air Doors.

Learn more about our Air Door Solutions.

Why Air Curtains are a Smart Investment for Businesses Today

Air curtains from Jamison Door are gaining traction as a practical and innovative solution for modern businesses. These invisible barriers serve a range of purposes, offering both immediate and long-term benefits. In this comprehensive blog, we’ll explore why investing in air curtains can be a strategic move for businesses in today’s dynamic environment.

The Evolution of Air Curtains

Air curtains, often referred to as air doors, have a fascinating history that dates back to the early 20th century. Initially developed to deter flying insects from entering commercial establishments, these innovative devices have undergone a remarkable transformation over the years. Today, they serve a much broader range of purposes in modern commercial settings.

The Business Case for Air Curtains

Investing in air curtains yields both immediate and long-term financial benefits, making them a strategic asset for any business.

Energy Savings:

One of the most compelling reasons to install air curtains is their capacity to conserve energy. By preventing the escape of conditioned air, they substantially reduce the workload on the heating and cooling systems. This translates into substantial energy savings and a noticeable decrease in utility bills.

Operational Efficiency:

Beyond energy savings, air curtains facilitate the seamless flow of traffic and goods within a facility. They eliminate the need for physical doors, which can be cumbersome and time-consuming to open and close. This enhanced operational workflow leads to improved productivity and reduced operational costs.

Environmental Benefits of Air Curtains

In today’s world, where sustainability and environmental responsibility are paramount, air curtains align perfectly with the global shift. Their ability to curtail energy consumption significantly reduced the carbon footprint of a building, making them an eco-friendly addition to any business striving to minimize its environmental impact.

Enhancing Comfort for All

Creating a comfortable indoor environment is crucial for both customers and employees. Air curtains play a pivotal role in enhancing comfort levels in various ways.

Improved Air Quality:

Air curtains act as an effective barrier against outdoor pollutants, dust, and insects. This results in cleaner indoor air, promoting better health and well-being among occupants.

Regulated Temperature:

Maintaining consistent indoor temperatures is critical for comfort. Air curtains excel in this aspect by preventing the intrusion of outdoor air, ensuring that indoor conditions remain stable and pleasant.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction:

In retail and service industries, customer satisfaction is paramount. Air curtains contribute to a positive shopping or dining experience by maintaining a comfortable climate inside the establishment, irrespective of external weather conditions.

Boosting Employee Productivity:

Comfortable and controlled indoor conditions positively impact employee productivity. By ensuring a pleasant work environment, air curtains can help reduce employee turnover and improve overall efficiency.

Air Curtains and Health Standards

In sectors where hygiene and health standards are non-negotiable, such as food service and healthcare, air curtains play a pivotal role in maintaining these standards.

Containment Prevention:

Air curtains serve as a physical barrier, preventing the entry of containments, dust, and insects. This is particularly critical in healthcare environments, where maintaining a sterile atmosphere is paramount.


By reducing the influx of outdoor air, air curtains contribute to maintaining cleaner indoor spaces. This is of utmost importance in food preparation areas where hygiene standards are strictly enforced.

Air Curtains for Various Business Types

The versatility of air curtains extends across a wide spectrum of business types, each benefiting uniquely from their installation.

  • Retail Stores: They enhance customer comfort and promote a consistent in-store environment. They also help conserve energy by preventing temperature fluctuations caused by frequent customer entries and exits.
  • Warehouses and Logistics: In high-traffic areas, they maintain indoor temperatures and prevent the infiltration of outdoor elements, creating a stable environment for efficient warehousing operations.
  • Healthcare Facilities: Sterility and patient well-being are paramount in healthcare settings. They contribute to maintaining sterile areas and ensuring patient comfort.
  • Restaurants and Food Service: In food service, they safeguard food quality and hygiene by minimizing the entry of contaminants and insects. They also help maintain a comfortable dining atmosphere.
  • Manufacturing and Industrial Facilities: They aid in regulating indoor conditions, safeguarding product quality, and reducing energy costs in manufacturing settings.

Technological Advancements in Air Curtains

Air curtain technology has come a long way, and modern air curtains are equipped with advanced features and innovations that enhance their effectiveness and ease of use.

Smart Controls:

Many air curtains now come with smart control systems that allow for easy customization and integration with building management systems. This not only simplifies their operation but also ensures they can adapt to changing conditions in real-time.

High-Efficiency Motors:

The motors in modern air curtains are designed for high efficiency, reducing energy consumption while maintaining optimal performance. This makes them even more eco-friendly and cost-effective.

Noise Reduction:

Noise levels have been a concern with older air curtain models. However, recent innovations have led to quieter operations, which is particularly important in environments where a peaceful atmosphere is desired.

Remote Monitoring:

Some air curtains can be remotely monitored and controlled, allowing facility managers to make adjustments and receive alerts about their performance. This proactive approach to maintenance ensures that they remain effective at all times.

Integration with Access Control:

In businesses with stringent access control requirements, air curtains can be integrated with access systems. They can be set to activate when a person approaches a doorway, enhancing security and comfort simultaneously.

The Bottom Line: A Sound Investment

In a world where every investment must be scrutinized for its practicality and return on investment, air curtains from Jamison Door stand out as a wise choice for businesses across various industries. The benefits are abundant, from energy savings and enhanced comfort to improved air quality and operational efficiency.

The real-world impact is underscored by case studies, demonstrating how they can yield substantial returns in diverse business settings. By choosing Jamison Door, you’re not just making an investment in your business’s future; you’re also embracing a more comfortable, efficient, and sustainable path forward.

Embrace Air Curtains for a Brighter Business Future

At Jamison Door, we commit ourselves to crafting top-tier air curtain solutions tailored specifically to your unique requirements. Our dedication to excellence, innovative technology, and customer support make us the ideal partner for your air curtain needs. Reach out to Jamison Door today to explore how our air curtains can be a smart investment for your business and promise a more comfortable, efficient, and sustainable future.

With Jamison Door, you’re not just investing in innovative solutions; you’re investing in the success and well-being of your business. Contact us today to discover the difference that Jamison Door’s air curtains can make in your commercial facility.